One evening. One president. One speech. While the country is undergoing an unprecedented crisis, the president, who has still not talked publicly, must speak. What if, this time, the speech was different…

Interviews / Articles
- Interview of the film maker Suki, « Court-Circuit » – Arte
- Watch the movie on Arte TV
Nos prestations
- Animation and Layout – Gabriel Jacquel
- Animation production manager – Gabriel Jacquel
A propos du film
- Directed, graphism, compositing and editing by Suki
- Written by Stéphane Debureau & Suki
- Music by Jean-Philippe Gréau
- From Maurice Ravel’s Bolero
- Animation and layout Suki & Gabriel Jacquel
- Voices recording, sound editing and mixing Christian Cartier
- Produced by Utopi, Arte & Pictanovo
- 8 minutes Short film
- 2D Digital Animation