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15.51 Ui "error"

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:42 pm
by Maui
I've just upgraded to 15.51 but found a strange UI behavior. All the icons are really tiny now.
Before the update I had the panel set to use legacy UI which worked fine for me. Is this a known Bug or somthing that only happened on my machiene?

Re: 15.51 Ui "error"

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:35 pm
by Duduf

With the new UI of the latest version of After Effects and its rounded buttons, we had to update the UI sooner than what we expected (a re-design was planned for Duik 16, not 15.5); even if for now the "use legacy UI" option works, this new AE UI is going to be a problem in the next updates of After Effects.

So, this UI is what we could do right now, but it will be updated again with Duik16, or maybe sooner, depending on the next updates and the time it takes to be developped.

You should be aware that it's always difficult to design a UI which pleases anyone; a lot of people asked us to build a smaller UI and they are pleased with this one, even if there are still some improvements which need to be done.
When there are incompatible demands, we try to add optionnal features too, like the "expert mode" (see the settings panel) which remove all texts and make a UI even smaller, which was asked by many people.

User feedback is very useful, and I understand what you do not like in the current UI, which is temporary anyway, and the development of Duik 16 will take this feedback into account.

Re: 15.51 Ui "error"

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:53 pm
by Maui
Ok no problem. I just thought it was somehow a problem on my end and the buttons where just displayed wrong on my machine. I totally understand the difficulty of pleasing everyone and didn't want to say that it is bad. I was just used to the big buttons that I wondered if it was a bug. I can totally work with it :)