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Slider Connecter with opacities doesn't animate

Rigging, animation, import/export of characters, props and cameras comprehensive tool set for After Effects.

Slider Connecter with opacities doesn't animate

Post by WeiLian » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:11 pm

Dear sir,

The Situation:
I've made a compleet character rigg with your lovely program. (Best buy since I opened my bank acount)
In my main comp I added a slider in my 'C | HEAD ' control that connects (with opacity) to the layers in the EYE comp inside the HEAD comp.
After I set all the max vallues in te duik tool ánd in the effect controls everything seems to work fine.
When I make a (hold)keyframe and change the value (of the slider in my C \ HEAD controller) the EYE comp changes to the right far so good.

The Problem:
However...when I make a second (hold)keyframe to make the eye animate, it doesn't change. It stayes the same as the first keyframe...and the value is different. When I change the value of the first keyframe ... the second keyframe changes with it.

I've made it work in another project with another character rigg...I can't seem to find out why.
Do you have an idea?

Thanks lot! Willem (Rotterdam)

Posts: 915
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Re: Slider Connecter with opacities doesn't animate

Post by Duduf » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:58 am

Hi Willem,

my guess would be that somehow you added an expression on the position of the controller, which prevents it from correctly being animated. If it worked in another project, there's no reason you could not do it again ;)

Feel free to send the aep or share a screenshot so I can have a look into more details!
